Shizuoka's food cultureKnow

Coming up from the coast

Release date: 2024.07.05

local cuisine


Suruga Bay is the only place in Japan where sakura shrimp are landed (※), and sakura shrimp fishing began in 27 when sakura shrimp were accidentally introduced into a tug-of-war fishing operation for horse mackerel. To protect the sakura shrimp, the fishing season is limited to two times a year, with spring fishing from mid-March to early June and autumn fishing from late October to late December. Okiagari is raw sakura shrimp stewed with tofu and green onions in a sukiyaki-style sauce, and is said to be a fisherman's meal, a hot pot dish that fishermen who have returned from the coast to catch sakura shrimp would eat as a snack with their drinks while reflecting on their fishing efforts.

Freshly caught raw sakura shrimp are available during the sakura shrimp fishing season, and boiled or frozen sakura shrimp can be purchased all year round, so this dish can be made at home all year round.

*Source: Yui Port Fisheries Cooperative Association

Ingredients used 

Fresh Sakura shrimp, tofu, green onion


How to eat

Put soy sauce, sugar, and sake in a clay pot or other flat pan, bring to a boil, add the sakura shrimp and large pieces of tofu, and simmer over medium heat until the flavors are absorbed. Just before removing from the heat, add the spring onions cut into 4cm pieces, bring to a boil, and then turn off the heat.

If you are using frozen shrimp, we recommend thawing them naturally.


Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Our local cuisine

Image: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Our local cuisine

#Shizuoka City