
Sakura shrimp

Sakura shrimp and tomato bruschetta

  • Marine Products
  • Western style

Ingredients (For 4 people)

frozen raw sakura shrimp 30g
Petit tomatoes 8 individual
Basil leaves 2-3 sheets
Garlic 1/2 piece
French bread 4 pieces (cut into 1cm thick pieces)
Olive oil 2 tsp
Salt, pepper a little


Boil the sakura shrimp quickly and drain the water.

Cut the cherry tomatoes into dice.

Tear the basil leaves into pieces of appropriate size (do not use a knife).

Mix ❶❷❸ with salt, pepper, and olive oil (1 teaspoon) in a bowl.

Spread olive oil (1 teaspoon) on a frying pan and toast.

Rub garlic on ❺ to give it a fragrance.

Place ❹ on top of ❻ to complete.

Key Points

Do not overcook the sakura shrimp.

Recommended ingredients from Shizuoka Prefecture

Raw Sakura Shrimp / Frozen Raw Sakura Shrimp

Raw Sakura Shrimp / Frozen Raw Sakura Shrimp

It is caught only in Suruga Bay, the deepest in Japan. Fishermen voluntarily work to conserve the resource by landing fresh Sakura shrimp twice a year, in spring and fall.